Helpful Morning Sports to Reduce Weight

Invite dogs to walk, join a gym club, or run around the complex, whatever you do, you have to move your body as much as possible to lose weight.

When is the best time to exercise? When everyone is now busy, according to Cedric X Bryant PhD, chief exercise doctor at the American Council on Exercise, as quoted from WebMD, exercise in the morning can be the best habit.

Relationship to morning exercise and weight reduction

According to Bryant, by doing physical activity in the morning, it can become a habit that is carried out continuously. Morning exercise can also improve sleep quality, the benefits obtained besides weight loss, Bryant said. Those who exercise at night will experience insomnia.

Bryant also explained the relationship between sleep quality and weight reduction. Poor sleep quality will affect hormones that regulate appetite. So by exercising in the morning, and not at night, will have an effect on the body's circadian rhythm to get better quality sleep. Good sleep will be able to balance appetite-regulating hormones.

Data at The National Weight Control Registry show that 4000 people who are on a diet who exercise one hour every day manage to reduce 13 kg and maintain it for a year.

Gary Foster, PhD, clinical director of the weight and eating disorders program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said that making morning sports is like a business promise that you can't just cancel.

Suitable exercise in the morning
Structured physical activity is also important. Walking, yoga, lifting weights, cycling, running, and swimming, can be your choice in the morning. Yoga, one of the popular morning sports, can prevent disease and lose weight. Those who are overweight can on average reduce 2 kg, while those who do not practice at all will gain weight up to 6 kg.

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